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Sep 2, 2021

Spring Cleaning Made Simple

As a landlord


Spring is in the air… almost! It’s time to start planning your spring cleaning.

Here’s our favourite 10 tips to start your summer fresh.

1. Clean the windows, inside and out. Let the sunshine stream in without being blocked by dust, mold, pollen, or fingerprints so you can enjoy the views!


2. Tackle the medicine cabinet. Throw out the expired stuff. Take inventory of your first aid supplies and stock up anything you’re missing.


3. Same goes for your makeup and skin care. Toss out old items that are likely full of bacteria. Clean brushes and applicators. Make sure you’re stocked up on (unexpired) sunscreen for the family.


4. Clean your pillows and replace old ones. Old pillows can hold dust, dust mites and allergens. Don’t forget to put the covers of your pillows through the wash.


5. Sort the freezer. Get rid of freezer-burned items, unidentifiable leftovers, and stuff you will just never use up. Compost what you can, donate anything that is edible (or make a giant pot of freezer soup!), and toss the rest. Defrost your freezer and give it a good clean.


6. Wipe down the walls. Often you don’t see the dust and grime until you get up close. This will give you an opportunity to clear out the cobwebs and brighten up your living space.


7. Put away your winter items for storage. Anything you won’t likely need for the next six months. While you’re at it, go through your clothing – if you didn’t wear it this winter, what are the odds you’ll wear it next winter?


8. Clean the laundry room. Detergent gets spilled, dust bunnies abound, muddy clothes get tossed about. Haul everything out, give it a clean and put things back in an organised way. Vacuum out the lint collector in the clothes dryer. You’ll feel much happier about doing the laundry.


9. Get a carpet cleaner in. Whether you DIY or hire a professional, it is a good time to get the winter stains out of the carpet and start springtime with a fresh clean floor. Spot clean your furniture or ask the pros if they’ll do upholstery as well.


10. Clear out the pantry. Throw out expired spices and anything old that’s opened. Get some clear jars and organise the pantry so you can see everything that’s in there. You’re more likely to use up what you have.


If all this seems too daunting then just do one room at a time. It is amazing how much you will get done once you get started.



Of course there are hundreds more, but these are our favourite tips for springing into spring!


Check out these cabin location options:

1. Cabins for rent in Auckland

2. Cabins for rent in kaitaia & far north.

3. Cabins for rent in kaipara

4. Cabins for rent in northland and whangarei

5. Cabins for rent in north-shore

6. Cabins for rent in waitakere

7. Cabins for rent in east coast bays